About Ally
Passed on January 28, 2015
Ally, (aka Miss Meow-Meow, Princess)
Born March 6th, 1994 and died in my arms at home on January 28th, 2015. You stayed by my side for almost 21 years. When I was sick, you were there right by me…always until I was feeling better. I will forever miss our walks out in the trails of our woods, and sitting on our deck together in the warm sun in the summer. I will miss your soft meow when you wanted something, and your purr as you laid on my chest at night to snuggle. You had the softest, pure white fur with not a speck of any other color anywhere. You were a strong, brave kitty. Whether it was a dog or another cat, you always stood your ground no matter what. You are and always will be so missed and so loved by all of us here at home. I pray that you are with your brother George now and our dog Reba.
Love you baby girl.