About Amazing Charlie aka “Big Brudder”
Passed on June 24, 2016
It almost seems as if you rescued me Charlie. No one would give you a chance because you were a sick little boy, but Mommy knew you were brilliant. I don’t know how anyone could have given up on you because you never gave up on me. I had never had a pet before. You were my baby, my son. I remember when I brought you home, your grandpapa and grandmama scolded me for spoiling you with the most expensive foods and toys. They were never really serious about it though, because they would feed you heaps of lettuce when I wasn’t looking, and clap whenever you stood on your hind legs for them. Charlie, you taught me how to be a mommy. Before you Charlie, Mommy was very lonely and angry at the world. But you, you taught me how to love. I loved it when you would jump onto my bed to wake me up for work, I loved it when you would groom me because I smelled funny, I loved how your chubby cheeks bounced up and down when you were eating your kibble, I loved how your eyes shined when they looked at me, and I loved how you loved me.
Maybe you were a good luck bunny Charlie, because we soon got a family. You got to experience a wonderful baby bunny brother, Cadbury, a goofy corgi brother, Shinji and a spoiled little princess of a corgi pomeranian, Yui. And last but not least, you got to experience having the best daddy in the world, Travis. You always watched over everyone and would pretend that you were okay. On the days you were sick, Mommy and Daddy did our best to make you feel better and we thought things were perfect. No, as long as you were there, things were always perfect. Mommy and Daddy wanted a house for everyone and you waited until that dream came true. You got to see Mommy truly smiling and happy. You left shortly after those happy days. I think maybe you got to see everything you wanted to see. Please wait for Mommy near Rainbow Bridge so we can embrace once again. Please watch over us Charlie, like always. Mommy will always love you.
Charlie, you are one amazing little boy. The smiles you would bring to everyone’s faces, the light you would put into your mommy’s eyes, and the way you always took care of everyone. Every morning when I would go to work you would say bye to me. You’d get up your hind legs and wait for me to pet you really quick, and every time I would come home from work you’d be there with your little brother, Cadbury, waiting for Daddy to say hi and give you a yum yum. I’ll never forget the happiness you brought us, none of us will. I remember times you would use me as a jungle gym and either hop on me or go under me like I was a tunnel. I remember the time we built you a little castle out of cardboard at the old apartment and you guys destroyed it in a few days. I remember you got really sick when you were away from us for a little while and we had to take you to the hospital to get better. Cadbury never left your side. Mommy and Daddy had never been so worried before. You were our little boy, and we love you very much. You pulled through like the champion that you are though. I’m so happy that we got the little extra time that we did with you. You got to finally see your whole family move into a new home and see your mommy smile with a sparkle in her eye only you knew how to bring. We did it because of you. You helped show me how to love family in a way I thought I had long forgotten. I hope there’s plenty of yum yums where you are now, and that you’ll wait for all of us there to cross the Rainbow Bridge together as a family. We love you Charlie, and thank you for everything.