About Angel
Passed on September 27, 2013
Our Guardian Angel
October 25th 1999 – September 27th 2013
Saying goodbye is never easy, especially to dear friends that have been in our lives for nearly 14 years. Our Angel got her wings today, and she has gone over the Rainbow Bridge to Heaven. She was bold and loving and intelligent. She had a natural confidence and creativity about her, and the world was to be explored joyfully. The best of everything a Rottweiler is born to be, she was true to her self and loyal to those she loved. Those who knew Angel always said how beautiful and sweet she was. Never stingy with the kisses, or shy about letting somebody know where she’d like to be scratched. She accepted everyone she met. With other dogs, she had a Queen-like authority and they didn’t seem to mind her being the boss. From the moment I met Angel she had a dignity and purposefulness about her, always up for life’s challenges. Don’t get me wrong, she had a great sense of humor, and loved to be the center of attention. There was a bucket game she invented to entertain us, where she would throw a bucket up in the air and catch it or at the last minute give it a bop with her front paws. There were so many ways that she communicated with others, and she always wanted to meet everyone. Even our mailman used to come out of his truck and up the driveway (we have Invisible Fence) to pet her and feed her a treat, which she promptly brought back to the house and ate inside, on her favorite cushion. There are so many memories that I have of Angel, happy times, her scent, how special she could make someone feel. She had such a zest for adventure. She used to take the stairs 2 or 3 at a time and little by little she climbed them slower, until the day came when they became almost too much for her to manage. The hard decision to say goodbye was made. We wanted to do it at home, where she could be as comfortable as possible. I was referred to the True Companions vet, Dr. Raeyna Longtin, and through her, to Pets Remembered. I was touched by the compassion and kindness of Dr. Longtin, and Skip, and how they made the hardest thing, of letting her go, less horrible. He personally brought her ashes to us the same night, encased in a beautiful box, with a print and lock of her fur, on a card, and a clay impression of her paw. It’s true that it’s never easy to say goodbye to our four footed friends/family. I still feel like I see her out of the corner of my eye here and there, and I still step over her in the middle of the night when I get up. I will miss my Angel everyday, and she will always be in my heart. Nothing can ease the pain of losing her, but having such caring people there at such hard times is a blessing.
Thank you Skip, for caring.
With warmest regards,
De and Dale Vietz