About Autumn Lee
Passed on June 1, 2014
Autumn (“Lee” is her middle name) was born on August 10, 2001. She is a purebred Miniature Schnauzer. She left this world as an angel on June 1, 2014 even though she was always a dog angel here on earth. Our sweet black baby had the best life we could give her. She filled our home with lots of love and joy. Autumn was such a good dog. She never minded that she had to wear her coat and booties in the winter or a rain coat when it was raining. Autumn had a routine with her dog life and we tried to make sure she always came first. She did not like being out of her routine. Autumn had many toys to play with. Her favorite was to bat her ball with a squeaky toy. And when you threw her ball, she would hop like a bunny to go get it. She loved walks in the park to smell all the “good” dog smells, beg for treats and food, get her belly rubbed by her mama while watching TV, and watch the birds and squirrels out her patio door. She was always greeting you with kisses, barks, and tail wags. She was so loving. She was attacked one day by another dog but fortunately was only bit in the rear. She had her share of illness in her life. But the illness that took away this precious dogs joys in life was liver and pancreatic cancer which was diagnosed in February 2014. We tried to help her with chemotherapy. Unfortunately it did not work. We made her as comfortable as possible until her pain was too much for this little dog. She was a fighter though. She enjoyed the last days of her life sitting under her tree and slowly walking around her yard. We would have done anything to take her pain away. Autumn is now up in doggy Heaven running, playing, and watching upon us. She was a beautiful dog with big ears and a big heart. She will be forever missed. We love you Autumn and hope to see you again.