About Ava Harvey
Passed on May 14, 2023
Heaven now has a very special beautiful angel. With a very heavy heart We are so sad to say our sweetheart Ava has passed away. She passed away on mother’s Day. She had medical issues and we were thankful that when she died all of a sudden collapse when we were home with her and she was with her family!
We adopted Ava when she was 4 years old. She grew up for 4 years in a puppy mill living in a cage. It is so horrible to think someone could do that to an animal just to have her puppies and sell them. She never got out of the cage only when she had puppies and then back in. We adopted her from a rescue group called Ragom. They help save golden retrievers from especially puppy mills or they take dogs that don’t have homes and need one. Poor Ava was shattered! She was so afraid of people and coming into our house. She didn’t know what a house was. She never had love she was treated as a piece of equipment to have puppies and sell them for money. I don’t know how anybody could ever do something like that. There are some cruel people in the world. If you tried looking at her she would just turn her head away so you couldn’t have eye contact with her.
We had 8 wonderful years with Ava She passed away at age 12. She was the sweetest girl ever. It’s many baby steps to try and build a former puppy mill dog to trust us and love us. But each step made our hearts melt. I feel so thankful we were able to get Ava. She was our second puppy mill girl we have adopted, so we knew what she needed and what she didn’t need,♥️ In time she loved John and I and her two four-legged siblings. They played a lot together. When her four-legged cousin Molly would come over they really played hard 🐕❤️ Her favorite thing was going on walks! We walked every morning and every afternoon for 1 mile. This kept us acclimated for cold winters and rainy weather. We knew how to bundle up! I set my limits though, if it was 15 below we wouldn’t. She was a tough little girl she would push at me to get going out the door every morning and every afternoon.
This leaves a heavy heart with a huge hole. I’m so thankful we were able to have her know all about love. I always say please don’t shop, adopt.There are so many sweethearts that need love out there. If you do shop be wise about where that puppy came from. That is supporting the puppy mills and shattering the sweet dogs that just want to be loved like we do.
♥️Goodbye Ava♥️We will meet again,♥️You are so loved and missed so very much. It is so hard to look around the room and see the spots where she would always lay and you’re not there. I miss not being able to go over and rub your tummy!♥️♥️🐾🐾