About Bailey
Passed on September 19, 2013
A true dog lover can only substitute cats for a dog for so long. In the deepest of my being, dogs ruled. Enter Miss Bailey a beautiful black lab puppy born at the Animal Humane Society of Barron County Wisconsin. I found her on Petfinder.com and began to prepare for my first city dog. Growing up in the country we didn’t need to worry about all the city hazards or a dog living mostly in the house. I prepared my yard, house, talked with friends, read books, magazines and studied how to raise my city dog. My first dog in over 20 years! A bundle of energy, lots of joy, total cuteness, my buddy and instantly the love of my life. We began to learn together, potty training, kenneling, walking on a leash, training, traveling and going to dog parks. I didn’t know it then, but getting Bailey was one of the best things I have ever done! The years Bailey and I spent together it was clear to see we were meant for one another. There was a fine line between who was benefiting most from the relationship, her or me.
I miss you my Miss B, all your little quirks, spunk and Baileyisms.
You got me up like clockwork every morning with your chatter. I don’t think it was so much of your needing to go out and potty, I think it was more ‘feed me please’ or ‘let’s just get up’. However, you made sure I let you back in the house promptly to eat with that high pitched ‘fed me’ bark of yours.
You became my travel partner immediately. I took you everywhere and you loved it! I loved it! I would talk to you and watch you through the rear view mirror, turning your head and listening intently. I knew you were excited for the ride and eager to find out what fun place we were going. Everyone knew if I was coming to their house, you were too!
I loved it when I’d be lying on the couch and I’d look over at you…you were watching me. You’d look attentively at me with your eyes, slightly wag your tail and give me a little moan. You were so damn cute when you did that! Those were cherished moments with you.
You loved it when I threw the ball against the house and you’d catch it off the rebound. And if I didn’t throw it fast enough you were waiting at the ‘ready stance’ waiting for the ball.
You had a great sense of humor. We had our way of kidding and teasing each other. You cracked me up!
I loved singing to you, making up silly songs. It’s a good thing you couldn’t talk, I’m sure you would have told me a few things about my singing. Those were good times though!
One of my favorite moments with you was our ‘huddle time’. You’d be on the couch and I would kneel in front of you, put my hand behind your head and press my face against the side of your head. I would say, “Huddle, huddle, huddle. Good girl, Bailey. I love you, Bailey. You’re nice and warm, Bailey. You smell good, Bailey. Huddle, huddle, huddle.” That has now turned into, “I miss you, Bailey. Puddle, puddle, puddle.”
You were a trouper when I decided to add another dog to our household. I didn’t know you were so independent until Brady arrived on the scene. You warmed up to him after a while and before I knew it you were cleaning his ears and letting him lay next to you on the couch. Your bond may have taken a while, but once you were gone…Brady immediately missed you!
You got sick in early August with lung cancer. I knew it was serious when you started coughing up blood. And I knew it was closer to you leaving us when you lost all your Baileyisms. I’m very thankful for all our years together and will forever cherish you!
As you told me through an animal communicator, “I had a good long life!” To that I say, “Amen”!
We love you Bailey and miss you immensely!
Love, Kris & Brady