bailey 1

About Bailey Archerd

We picked Bailey up during a blizzard when he was 8 weeks old. He loved winter and snow ever since. We thought we were getting a mellow boy since he was sleeping during our visit while all of his brothers and sisters were playing. We were mistaken. He got us off of our butts! He was the best boy in his training class. He also learned quickly what he could get away with. He mellowed with age but kept his stubborness and selective hearing.

He loved his family unconditionally and we loved him. He loved being outside and sniffing everything and then just watching the world. He loved suppertime, treats,  nylabones and though I’m sure he wouldn’t have admitted it, his sister cat Lily. I think what he loved most of all was just being anywhere we were.

Not seeing Bailey everyday is so hard. I hope we made him as happy as he made us.