About Barney Buck
Passed on July 1, 2023
Barney was the most joyful dog and he loved every second of being alive on this earth. His favorite pastimes were chasing and barking at squirrels, finding really good sticks to chew on and drop in any laps in close proximity in hopes of playing fetch, going for car rides with his head and tongue hanging out the window, playing fetch and high jump with his frisbee, hanging out with his human, and snuggling anybody who would accept his cuddles. He knew a range of fabulous tricks, both practical and silly. He excitedly greeted every visitor at the door with a toy in his mouth and butt wiggles (a classic Aussie greeting). He had the ability to light up an entire room just by entering it and could sense when humans needed him to comfort them. Barney was so deeply and fully loved by his human and is sorely missed.
He passed in his human’s arms, hearing how much he was loved and what a good boy he is. His housemates, Border Collie Ricki and black cat Pippin miss him dearly.
From his human: Baby bear, thank you for saving my life. You did such a good job and you are such a good boy. I can’t wait to hear about all the squirrels you’re chasing and sticks you’re finding when I join you across the bridge.
My sweet baby bear, Barney
12/21/11 – 7/1/23