About Bear Winger
Bear was a Pygmy Pinto Hedgehog born on 9-7-17, we got him on Nov 30th, 2017.This little guy came from a litter of 3 and his 2 sisters were adopted quickly. I’m so glad I was able to get him, he was so friendly and loved to poop on me :). I have to say he was probably my favorite, although I did/do love all my boys so very much. He also loved to run on his wheel, which he did most of the night except when we playing, watching TV or just being together. I had just learned how a hedgehog talks, they will smack their lips a little. It sure seems like it to me anyway. I would do that and he would do it in return, he would also nibble at my whiskers and put his little paw up and kind of rub at them. It was so awesome and touching. As he got older he loved to eat more and he did get a little chunky, but stayed very active. All of a sudden he stopped eating, drinking and pooping, so I brought him into Urgent Care and found out he had a mass which was Cancer. It devastated me and caused my heart to break, I don’t know how long it will take to get back to a normal state. I Loved my boo boo Bear everyday and will miss him so very much. I’m sure he made it to the Rainbow bridge and is seeing his buddies Oliver, Oliver Jr., Sammy and Piper. I will definitely enjoy seeing them all again when I pass on.