About Belle
Passed on June 15, 2014
June 15, 2014
Our beautiful one eyed girl Belle passed away Sunday morning June 15, 2014 and our hearts are broken.
We adopted her in 2007 and we watched Belle evolve into a sweet and kind dog from being a very shy and scarred puppy mill rescue dog. She was very nervous at first when we got her and she used to walk around in small circles as if she was still in a cage. With time the circles got bigger and eventually she would walk around our coffee table all day long.
Belle loved having her belly rubbed and she would snuggle with Daddy in the evenings when he watched tv. She sure was Daddy’s girl!
Belle was always so happy and gave us kisses as much as she could. She was a very pretty little snow white Maltese girl and she brought so much joy into our lives.
She was a little ray of sunlight every day no matter what the weather was outside. She just turned 16 years old in May and she now joins Zed and Dude in dog heaven.
We miss You so much, little girl!
Isabella, Jay and Kristian