About Boo Boo Koopmans
Boo Boo
June 16, 2014 – December 21, 2023
Boo Boo was a sweet, funny, affectionate, mischievous little bundle of fur. She made us laugh every day, gave us constant love and affection and brightened our home. We had 8 ½ wonderful years with her and we treasured every moment. Once she learned to navigate stairs, she loved racing up and down and doing zoomies around the basement and sun room. She loved her parsley and bunny biscuits and apples. At suppertime, she would hover around our feet, waiting patiently (or impatiently) for her dinner. She loved head pets and ear rubs. She groomed her paws as I groomed her ears. She loved to have grandma hand feed her hay rather than hopping in the box to get it herself. She would burrow in piles of paper and enjoyed having blankets and papers and boxes put on top of her so she could escape. When she first came to live with us, she would do binkies which we eventually understood to mean that she was happy. She would also grind her teeth when getting head pets; bunnies grinding teeth is like a cat purring. She got into a lot of mischief and had to be scolded occasionally. She loved anybody who would feed her parsley and would climb up in their laps if they were not fast enough getting her treats to her. She loved playing with her toys and tossing them around the room. If she woke up and we were still sleeping, she would scratch at our door to wake us up…”time to wake up and feed me!” She was pure love and we will miss her more than we can say!! We love you, our sweet little girl.