About Buddy
Passed on August 24, 2015
Buddy was born in our home on Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 8:00 in the morning. The second kitten born of a litter of five to Gracie, a stray we adopted from our backyard, Buddy entered this world surrounded by love.
Growing through kittenhood, he was the most outspoken member of his kitten family, always the one causing everyone else to call out and express their opinion during every trip to the vet. All the kitties would be singing along with Bud. As an adult cat, he rarely made a sound, just a loving look into your eyes and a silent meow that would melt your heart. Bud was such an active member of our multi-cat household. He was quite the little acrobat also. Bud was a long, lean little cat with a very long tail and big beautiful green eyes. He was adorable.
I love that my children grew up with Buddy and his kitty family. His passing has left such an empty space in our hearts and in our lives.
Buddy left us very suddenly on the morning of August 24th.We had only known of his illness for less than a day. He was the sweetest, most gentle cat I’ve ever known. I am so very blessed and thankful for the 11 years we had with him. His passing has broken my heart into a million pieces and I will miss him forever.
Rest in peace my little Bud Bud.