About Buddy Pettingill
Hey Buddy,
It was a great 20 years! Still remember the day we met at the Marin Humane Society when you were just a small shy kitten named Mocha. So happy we spent a world of life in California, fence walking, bird chasing, relating with feline brothers, puppy raising and putting up with the growth of a baby through those years.
You made it through our transition to Minnesota midway through life with a climate and living condition you never experienced in California.
It was amazing through these years you accepted all the 4-legged friends in our family, in all honesty you told them who was boss, even in your final days you planted some darn good cat punches.
Yup, you were a quiet, calm soldier but when you wanted to express your voice, strength and words you could wake up the world. It’s been super quiet without your random noises through the day/night and footsteps through life but I know you are enjoying life where you have landed.
Dear Buddy,
I will never forget the day I met you, the first day your #1 Hooman invited me over for dinner. You immediately captured my heart. I loved that you were so agile and loved to run and jump for your feather wand and chase your laser. It didn’t take long before we became “red snuggly blanket Buddies”. When it was time for me to move in, you graciously accepted my own kitty, Zues. When Zues passed away unexpectantly you were there laying by my side for a month helping me grieve. You welcomed the idea of us getting our first dog, Indy. A couple years later it was you that knew I was pregnant even before Ryan and I did. I remember waking up to you massaging my belly and me thinking hmmm somethings different.
We have had many conversations over the years, but the one I will remember the most was when I looked you in the eyes and asked you to tell me when you were ready. I didn’t want to accept it, but I knew by the gaze you gave me, and the nose, chin and cheek rubs that you understood. You will forever be in our hearts. Our forever Buddy.
You were the best cat I will ever have. You will always be special to me. You meowed loud at night when I was trying to sleep and sometimes it bothered me. Now I just want to be kept up all night listening to your cries. You were so handsome, and I want to snuggle you right now. You became so fragile and needed to be always kept safe. I still feel like I need to keep you safe even though you are not here. I love you so much Buddy!
Buddy is survived by this Hoomans, Ryan, Jessica & Olivia. And his family furry friends, Indy Boston Terrier 14 years, Dax Tuxedo Cat 8 years, Lucy American Staffordshire Terrier 5 years & Ro the Gecko 2 years.