About Butters
Passed on September 7, 2016
Our lives were touched by Butters and will never be the same. Our sweet Butters was born in Walnut Grove, Minnesota. A mix of daddy Poodle and mommy Pomeranian, Butters is known by so many fun names that reflected his quirky personalities: Mr. Butters, Butter Butt, Butt Butt, Buh Butt, The Butt, Butternut, Butterscotch, Butterball, B-butt (his rap name), Buttator (from Predator), Butt Turd, Hoover, the Kitchen Vigilante, Mountain Goat (from his first hiking trip with us) Ma-Kae (sheep dog – in Thai) and Nong Nuey (little Butter – in Thai). All through his life, Butters taught us to love, forgive, be patient, be kind, be loving all unconditionally by just being Butters.
Mr. Butters knew his priorities…his family, love, food, a ride and TV time with mommy and daddy. He loved watching TV and barked at dogs and any other animals he would see. Goosebumps was his favorite theme song. He never failed to recognize it.
Leave it to Butters! He was a food enthusiast. No one loved food the way Butters did. He danced and pleaded like the penguin from Happy Feet. We loved his feeding time because it was so fun to play with him. Once, we were able to count down exactly when he burped. He always sought us out making sure it happened within our earshot.
Butters was a daddy boy because he loved being near his daddy who relentlessly took very good care of him, in good and sickness. Butters is truly our gift of love wrapped in a soft kind-hearted ball of fur. We feel so blessed to be with him even if for a short period of time.
Our baby Butters will always be loved and remembered as our little boy.