Callie 04.26.19_B

About Callie Hasse

Passed on April 28, 2022

Callie (Busy B’s Watch My Shadow)

Also known as: Baby Girl, Callie Coo, Punkin’, Miss Bunny and

especially ‘Daddy’s Girl’


Born: February 02, 2007, Ground Hog Day


She got me through a rough patch in 2007 when we drove to Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and brought her home at 8 weeks old.

Upon returning to Saint Paul she found her true love in her human ‘daddy’. She was never far from his side.


Callie crossed the rainbow bridge on April 28, 2022 at the amazing age of 15. The one thing we couldn’t protect you from was—time. We are sure she has reunited with her corgi brother and is back to bossing him around.


Callie, you have left a hole in our hearts, yet we wouldn’t have missed having had you in our lives.


Run free baby, we will always love and remember you!

-Nancy, Larry, and Krista