Chili 1

About Chili Seidl

Chili Seidl

November 12, 2008 – September 8, 2024

Chili came into my life at 8 weeks old and has been the one constant in my life ever since. She’s been by my side through it all, many good times and bad times, through other pet siblings in and out of our lives, and the different homes we’ve lived in. Chili was such a sweet and sometimes sassy little girl. She loved to be the boss of the house, even with the bigger dogs. She was the pickiest eater I’ve ever met, preferring treats over her food, which led to her being extremely spoiled with only the tastiest treats and meals. She definitely had me wrapped around her little paw. In her younger years, she loved to sleep in the same spot behind my legs every night and loved chasing after her stuffed squeaky toy. She had a bark that I’m certain the neighbors could hear, especially when it was nail trim time. She loved to give kisses on your nose and had the cutest, fastest tail wag you’ve ever seen. She could run pretty fast for a tiny little chihuahua too. Chili is preceded in death by her two chihuahua sisters who she loved very much – big sister Indie and little sister Mabel, and Buddy the cat who she loved to snuggle with when she was a baby. She is survived by mom, who loved her so so much, and Meesha and Franklin the puggies. I never imagined she’d make it nearly 16 years, but that doesn’t make saying goodbye any easier. Rest in peace sweet Chilidog. I’ll love you forever.