About Drambuie
Passed on December 25, 2012
Thousands of Mornings
Coffee in the morning with my little coffeemate
Drambuie, my Dudders, my bestest of friends
Wakeup call came at six, ok well sometimes 5, and yes sometimes even ………
Your feather light paw upon my forehead, nudge nudge
Five minutes or so of scratches
Ok, feed me now,…menow,…meow
Ahemmm, did you forget my treat?
Thousands of mornings spent together
My comfort and support through the sad and lonely times
My little buddy, my constant companion, my soft shadow
Footstool huggers in the sunlight
Nappers when we cuddled together
Cat Dancer, Spinners, the chirping Parrot and Fishey
My driving companion, through snow and rain and the dark of night
“Just 10 minutes to go Honey”
Home at last, and racing up the stairs to Dad
Don’t forget my treat
Daddy’s “Magic Fingers” chinners are the best
Patio Doors, Sparrows and Chipper Monks
Hayden and Seek on Monday mornings
Midnight vigil, Bat Signal silhouette in the window
Greetings at the top of the stairs
Footstool huggers in the moonlight
Fingers caressing only shadows, an emptiness as soft as you
Coffee in the mourning
I love you Bouy,