About Fintynn
Passed on August 11, 2014
Fintynn aka “Monkey”
If someone had told me you’d absolutely break my heart in just 9 short years, I’d still do it all again. We both got lucky that cold January night I bought you from that horrible lady selling kittens from a cardboard box in the trunk of her car in a Kmart parking lot. She said, “He costs extra because he’s white”. So I picked you, because I was afraid no one else would. I put you in my jacket and went home. I gave you a boy’s name, only to find out later that you were a girl. You were so small I had to get friends and family to watch you while I was at work. As you got bigger, it became obvious what an odd little kitty you were. You discovered how to play fetch and that was your favorite thing for the longest time. Your personality was all your own, and you’d let everyone know it. From your favorite toys, a handkerchief and a chewed up piece of rope, to how much you loved to steal Daddy’s underpants, everything about you was unique. It’s so quiet here without you to talk to. I never realized just how much time you spent making all your little noises at me all day long, until I noticed the silence when you were gone. Folding laundry without you there for the first time was very hard for us, because for whatever reason you loved it when we sorted through and put away all the clean clothes. Hangers and socks and all kinds of things to grab! I know you had some vision and hearing problems. I know you had your moments that some may describe as “difficult”, because you certainly weren’t an easy kitty. You were put together wrong, but you were made just for me, and we loved every quirky thing about you. You got so sick so quickly and the how you slipped away was the hardest thing we’ve ever had to deal with. We miss you so much Monkey baby, there will never be another like you. You have left such a big hole in our hearts and we will never forget you.