About George
Passed on March 20, 2016
We were looking for a kitty to start our married life together in 2000 and George won us over. He was a rescued cat from the Oakland, California Animal Shelter with an aloof charm. Because we adopted him in Berkeley, California we were never his owners, we were his guardians. He was 18 years old.
George was our milestone kitty. He was there through births and deaths, graduations and earthquakes. He was an amazing traveler with many trips in the airplane from California to South Dakota to Minnesota. He was also a patient mentor to our second kitty, Big Boy.
George loved catnip, although he would get a bit embarrassed if you watched him really enjoy himself. He loved to play with his kitty dancer, he loved stretching out in sunbeams and he loved chicken. He was tall and handsome with a heart shaped mark on his side.
George sparked a tremendous love for cats in our daughter’s heart and we will treasure the 16 years of memories we made together. We were so lucky to care for him and we will miss him always.