About Gigi Neil
The Geeg, G, Gigi Butt, Princess, Sweet Girl…just Gigi. Gigi was saved by PawsCo in Colorado and adopted by our family in 2014, she was around four years old at the time. Gigi wasn’t shown love her first few years on earth but she was loved unconditionally once she became a member of our family. She was a bit of a weirdo, no denying that, but we loved every bit of her crazy. Gigi loved belly rubs, quick to flop over for one. Didn’t like her paws touched. Her tail, like a whip. Her gas, atrocious and frequent, it could clear a room, and did; never bothered her. She was never in a hurry, walks took forever with her head down smelling every little thing, licking up bugs in her path. She never missed a meal, loved her carrots and lettuce. She wasn’t always a huge fan of other pups but had so much patience for her younger brother Buddy. Not a water dog or a snow dog, just a let me lay baking in the sun or sleep on the couch kinda dog. Her demeanor was a bit cautious and melancholy, but would light up for a treat or a walk, and would love to bark for her dinner. She was one of a kind. The absolute best girl.
Geeg passed away in her sleep early Monday morning at home. She taught our family so much during our limited time together and in return she was given the best life we could provide. We are so thankful for having Gigi during her best years. Gigi’s presence will always remain in our hearts.