![System.String[] System.String[]](https://www.petsrememberedcremation.com/wp-content/uploads/Gracie-Cropped.jpg)
About Gracie Winger
Gracie was an African Pygymy Hedgehog with a light colored face and very uniform Quill markings of White and Brown with a white patch on her rear. Her under side was all White and very soft. She was very independent and didn’t like being held very long. She did like to cruise around to explore.
She had a Dental Cancer Mass like her Lil Sister Emmy. Nothing could be done to remove it and she was suffering a lot. So I made the really difficult decision to let her go to the Rainbow Bridge. She will have her other family members – Oliver Sr., Oliver Jr., Piper, Sammy, Bear, Whitey, Violet, Rosie and Emmy to meet her. I’m sure they will have so much fun together. I’ll miss my Lil Princess Gracie. I will always Love and Remember her along with all my other Little Hedgy family. I miss them all so much.