About Grover Lee
Passed on November 10, 2013
Grover Lee 4/18/2001-11/10/2013
Grover was a very loyal, patient dog who loved us unconditionally. He was our first practice at parenthood and was spoiled with love and attention. Then came baby #1 he knew the baby was fragile and important to us. He was very calm and tolerated being layed on, tugged on and sharing his parents with the baby. He learned to adjust to his new life and then came baby #2. By this time he was older and less tolerable so he just stayed out of the way as he knew the drill.
We miss him at night sleeping in our room.
We miss him sitting by our feet in the office.
We miss him trying to vie for a spot on the couch.
We still look by the back door for him waiting to be let out.
We realize we have to sweep the floors more without him eating the crumbs.
But most of all, we miss being greeted with excitement and joy when we walk in the house.
Jennifer, Nathan, Maya (9) and Kanoa (3) Lee