About Harley
Passed on August 16, 2015
“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have”
Anyone who has ever been “owned” by their pet knows just how extraordinary they are. They embody characteristics that we hope all humans possess: unconditional love, joy, unabashed love of life, never being one to rush to judgment or hold a grudge.
Har loved life. He loved everything about being a dog (besides actually liking other dogs). Car rides, long walks, swimming in the lake at the cabin, and of course, eating good food were all some of his favorite things. He also liked just chilling, being showered with attention and just being close to the ones he loved. Even as he aged and became ill, his personality would shine through and you would never know he was as old as he was or that he was ill. In his mind he was still that 3 year old puppy, frolicking around without a care in the world. His innocence and unwavering kindhearted energy will be missed greatly.
I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been able to share 12 years with Harley. Har was one of a very pure spirit and an incredibly sweet, gentle soul. The lessons I have learned from him are something that I will cherish forever, for they are lessons that can only be learned through the bond between dog and his human.