About Jake Lohman
Jake was our once in a lifetime dog.
He was a puppy until the end; although he was 8 years old.
Always carrying his toys around, wanting us to throw his ball or bringing toys to his sister Abbey to play with.
He loved life! He was the happiest dog & was always smiling.
We got Jake as a runt of the litter, and no one wanted him.
We brought Abbey to that first meeting, and they chose each other.
He spent his whole life caring for Abbey & looking out for her.
They were 2 peas in a pod; the bestest friends.
Jake would let Abbey do everything first; he was the perfect gentleman.
He would give us snuggles & put his head on our shoulder for hugs.
I think we will miss that the most.
Jake was the perfect dog; always happy, playful, curious but never ever fought with his sister or got into anything he wasn’t supposed to.
His passing has left an enormous hole in our hearts, and he will forever be missed.
We love you Jake!