About Kramer
Passed on June 9, 2013
It was a very cold and wintry day in January of 1998 when I was first introduced to my best friend. I drove to Hutchinson Minnesota to meet a dog breeder in the parking lot of the Hardee’s restaurant. The breeder had brought the last 2 of his miniature schnauzer puppies for me to meet. As we stood in the frigid lot, he let me briefly hold both dogs and I knew that I didn’t have much time to make a decision. Once I was handed the 2nd of the two dogs, I was struck by how directly this adorable little ball of fur was staring into my face and eyes. When I’d held the first puppy, he kind of looked all around and really paid no attention to me…..but the 2nd puppy, well he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. Even when I handed him back in order to take one last look at the first puppy, that 2nd little man continued to stare at me. When I reflect back on that moment, my wife likes to say that he was simply staring because he thought that I was funny looking, but I knew better…. little Kramer was going to be the very best friend that a person could ever ask for.
To say that Mr. Kramer was a vocal and animated companion would be a drastic understatement….sometimes with back talk, but more frequently taking part in an exchange similar to those experienced by humans. He was always full of energy and attitude, but when you least expected, would surprise you with a tender kiss or nuzzle. He loved his walks (where he’d prance and gallop), riding in the car on errands with Daddy and cuddling with Mommy. We’ll never forget his hatred for flies (he would literally leave a room if a fly was buzzing around him) and his vocal editorial comments throughout a day….the “owfph” noise he would make when he was impatient, particularly when Mommy would tell him “5 more minutes”. I wish that I could see him on our back deck one more time, overseeing “his Kingdom” from the top of the stairs.
As he aged, instead of becoming ornery or mean, he grew into a sweet and loving “grandpa”. He was always gentle and full of love, finally becoming the cuddly man that he never was as a younger boy. He was so full of personality and life, that my wife and I would joke about how Kramer would outlive us all. Though he didn’t quite accomplish that, he will most certainly live forever in our hearts.
We will always love you Kramer and we miss you more than words can possible say…..