About Lily
Passed on June 11, 2013
Lily, our little girl, made the journey to the Rainbow Bridge on June 11, 2013. We loved her beyond words, she was our closest companion for 14 years. Lily never realized she was a dog, we were always Mommy and Dad to her and she was our child. We found her through an ad in the newspaper on Father’s Day1999. She was a curly little red poodle that stole our hearts immediately.
Lily, or “pooks” as we also called her, was very smart and understood what we said to her although she didn’t always follow through. She loved popcorn, apples, oranges, eggs, chicken (which we never gave her), cooked carrots, peas and green beans. After she acquired diabetes she became a trooper at injection time twice daily. She hated the Vet but loved the groomer….she loved bathes. No dog loved a belly rub by Dad more than she did.
She loved to ride in the car, especially road trips. She traveled from MN to Florida three times, once to Cody WY, once to Phoenix AZ and numerous midwest trips. She would lay many time in the car on my Grandmothers blanket which I now hold and hug and cry on….I can still smell her. I am too sad to write more and there is so much more to be said about her. It has been one month ago today that she passed and we are still and I am sure will remain heartbroken. Lily we love you and miss you so very much and always will. We will see you again my sweet girl.