About Max
Passed on May 7, 2016
Max came to us in the spring of 2001.
While getting ready for work one morning, Max was on the morning news show with the Golden Valley Humane Society. I yelled to Shar to come look at this funny 7 month old Corgi mix that was up for adoption. After work we went to see him and that was it, Max was ours.
He took to our family immediately and followed us everywhere.
On Fathers day shortly after his adoption we went for a boat ride and while at the dock for a potty break Max was attacked by another dog. The three of us went down in the mud and wrestled for a bit while I got the dogs free. I got the worst of it, but Max never forgot and was always leery of other dogs.
In his younger years he was a lap dog and a cuddler but loved to chase squirrels, go fishing and romp in the snow.
He always new when we were going somewhere and was ready to go. He was an excellent traveler and saw many places. In our travels he saw Yellowstone National Park (the buffalo), old faithful, the Grand Canyon and many other states. Wherever we went someone would always stop us and ask about Max, some wanted photos.
As Max got older he started having trouble getting into our 5th wheel and truck, so we bought him a ramp for easier entrance and exits. We eventually sold our camper and truck and bought a winter 1 level home in Arizona. The neighbors took to Max and Max to them, he got lots of treats!
Last August Max could no longer walk, the xrays revealed arthritis, osteoporosis and degenerative spine. After chiropractic treatments he was back on his feet and doing well enough for another trip to Arizona. But treatments don’t work forever.
Max left us in the spring of 2016….. Gone but never forgotten.