About Max Edstrom
Passed on October 5, 2023
Our beloved Maxamillion Meow Meow Edstrom (Max)
passed away on October 5, 2023.
We had the privilege of being family to Max for 13yrs. From the time he came into our lives he has brought amazing Joy. Max came to us when his mother had him and another kitten in our window well in September of 2010. He was about 4 weeks old. The mom took the female kitten and left the male (Max). We left him there for a couple of nights with baby milk praying his mother would come back for him. On the third night it was too cold and raining so we decided to bring him in and just leave the window open a couple of more nights however his mother never came back for him and of course the kids wanted us to keep him. Even though we had another cat named Katelynn (Pretty Girl) we kept Max and my oldest son AJ decided to name him Maxamillion but also came up with Meow Meow for middle name from Enzo Palumbo who was on Big Brother season 12.
Max was a little rascal when he was little, I had an old play pen for him to be in because he was so little, I didn’t want him in certain places in the house to get lost in. He would claw his way out just so he could cuddle. Eventually Max chose his master AJ, my oldest son. Wherever AJ went Max would go even when we would pack to go on trips Max would climb in the suite case ready to go. Max would make it known he was hungry to everyone, and Max would not eat unless you watched him and said attaboy or good boy. Max always loved high places and lots of cuddles. Christmas time was never a dull moment with Max, we had to keep his presents away until Christmas night otherwise he would tear into everyone’s gifts looking for his. Max loved his TV shows and always wanted to watch all day of Blue Bloods and Hawaii Five-0. We can’t forget Max loved watching birds fly around outside. Words cannot describe how much it is very lonely around here without hearing him meow. When Katelynn passed in 2016 Max would jump up next to her ashes and cuddle her. We know in our hearts Max is up with Katelynn playing and having cat fun.
Our beloved Maxamillion Meow Meow Edstrom (Max) will always be in our hearts forever and will aways be part of our family.
RIP Maxamillion Meow Meow Edstrom (Max)
Love You Always & Forever
AJ your Master, Mom & Leo