max swenson II

About Max Swenson II

Passed on June 7, 2024

Our beloved tiny gremlin/chihuahua Max Swenson II, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 7, 2024, while being held by his Mom Deb, and surrounded by his first Mom Amanda, brothers Samurai and Frank, and his sister Elowen. Max was helped across the Rainbow Bridge after his kidneys failed, and nothing more could be done to save him.


Max was born on September 4, 2011. He was adopted by his first Mom, Amanda as a puppy.  His brother, Cooper was adopted shortly thereafter.  Amanda, Max and Cooper traveled from North Carolina to Minnesota, and then to Ohio where she went to dental school. In 2018, Amanda married her husband Suri, and they all moved back to Minnesota. Soon, Amanda and Suri had two beautiful children. But, as the children got older, Max didn’t adjust well to the quick moving toddlers, and Amanda made the very difficult decision to rehome Max.


His Mom, Deb adopted Max on October 24, 2024. From day one, Max was happy in his new dog centric, adults only home. Max was a tiny boy with a huge sweet, smart and loving personality, but as a typical chihuahua, Max also had a wee bit of gremlin in him too.  Max hated getting up in the morning, and growled vigorously when his Mom lifted him from her bed.  But in true Max fashion, he stopped growling as soon as she held him close, when he always started giving her lots of his sweet kisses.  Max slept with his Mom and brothers, Sam and Frank.  He loved to go under the blankets, but whenever anyone moved, he began growling until the movement stopped. Max loved riding in his stroller taking in the sights and air sniffing if anything looked interesting. He also loved the night routine of going out to relieve, and getting delicious chicken treats before bed.  Most nights, Max would get so excited he would start to do zoomies. Max was a tiny guy who loved his people, and dog brothers and sister. It’s hard to believe Max was only with us for 7 1/2 months, because he quickly became such big  loving, sweet, tiny gremlin presence in our lives.


Max is survived by his Mom Deb, Mom Amanda, brothers, Samurai, Frank, Cooper, and sister, Elowen. Max took a piece of each of our hearts as crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but he left a piece of his heart with each of us, so he will live on in our hearts, until the day each of us crosses the Rainbow Bridge, and we are together with Max for eternity.  We love you so very, very much Max, now and forever!