Missy Bosard 1

About Missy Bosard

Born in December 2007, Missy is our proof God gives great gifts in small packages.  A mix of Lhasa Apso and Pomeranian meant she had a lot of white and tan hair to brush, detangle and trim.   She has been a gift of unconditional love in the toughest of times for over 16 years.  She has shown each day what giving without conditions means.  She is the most intelligent person that was ever part of the family, and we will miss her for as long as I can imagine.   She overcame medical challenges and enjoyed life, herding squirrels, eating snow, playing with toys, teaching us tricks and so much more.  She demanded her treadmill time and her truck rides – her nose prints will always stay on the passenger window.  She will go on to reunite with Dakota, her housemate from her early years.  I am sure she will pester that big black lab and bully him into playing with her.  She will be missed by her family over the years, Leo, Goldie, Kris, Brad, Amy, and others.  Missy, you were a daily part of life and will continue to be. The lessons, tricks and many other things you taught us and the memories you gave us will be part of us each day.   We will see you again, we love you little one.  Come visit us in our dreams.