About Mojo Dempsey
Passed on November 26, 2012
Mojo came into our lives back on January 13, 2006 at a little more than 2 ½ years old. He was a rescue and we picked him up in Madison Wis. He must have known immediately that I was his new Mommy and would take care of him always because he fell into an exhausted sleep curled up in my lap before we were even out of town. Our bond only continued to grow and I fell madly in love with this little beautiful dog. He didn’t look like any other dog I had ever seen. Not quite Pomeranian and not quite Pekingese. He always got lots of comments from people about how cute he was as they tried to guess his breed. He was that perfect mix of Pom and Peke and there will never be another Mojo. He was full of personality and energy and was really quite the character. He was smart…he learned things we never were even trying to teach him because he paid attention to everything we said and did. Sadly, he always had digestive issues and in the Fall of 2010 we were shocked and saddened to find that he had colon cancer. It was tiny still so we opted to give him the best chance and have it surgically removed. We prayed so hard that this would be a cure for our little man. For almost 2 years he did very very well. Then on a routine check we were devastated to learn this ugly cancer had returned. This time the surgeon would not be able to operate and we knew we were at the beginning of losing our beautiful boy. We tried to squeeze out every last beautiful minute with him in summer and fall before he left us. Even though Mojo was such a small dog, it is completely amazing how empty our world is now without him. His personality was bigger than life, but his body was tiny and cuddly….. He was with us interacting constantly and was so ingrained in our daily lives. We miss him terribly. He left us at 11pm on a Monday evening in Mama’s arms November 26, 2012. A beautiful light went out from this world.
My dear sweet Mojo….
You were the best friend I could have ever had…you loved me more than I ever felt from anyone before and I loved you to the depths of my heart and soul little man. You were so brave and put up with a lot of health issues that were no fun at all. We knew you didn’t want to leave. Now I cannot wait until I can kiss your sweet little face again and hear your howls. You were the love of my life and will always be in my heart. Thank you for being you and for all the laughs you brought….you made me giggle all the time with your crazy antics. Thank you for all the snuggles we had. I will miss you endlessly my darling boy. You are my soul mate and I won’t be okay….really okay….until we are reunited again. Smooches to you and all my love to you. You were the most awesome dog in the world. Kimi says she’ll take over and protect me from the mailman, the neighbors, dogs and new visitors so no one hurts Mommy. She and Chung will play with your toys so they don’t feel lonely. There is a huge hole in our world now without you. I will miss you at the end of my bed keeping my feet warm and making me feel secure. I will miss your “WHO” feet (Dr Seuss) so cute. I will miss your chicken “I’m so cool” strut and your fancy chicken legs. I will miss your toothy smile and big brown eyes. I will miss the way you effortlessly bounded through the air into the porch and the way you spun circles at the door. I hope you are eating your favorite treat of carrots and chewy stix. I hope you have awesome toys to shake and parade proudly around with. I will miss your big “Bon Jovi” hair look after a crazy toy shaking episode… Boy did you ever get fluffed up then LOL. I hope you are hanging out with sweet Bailey girl and keeping each other company. I hope you are healthy again and feel wonderful again. When I meet you at the Rainbow Bridge I cannot wait to hear your welcoming howls and feel your licks on my cheek. I hope you come and jump into my arms where you belong. Most of all I will miss kissing your cheek goodnight while smelling your lovely fur…I always wondered why I loved the way you smelled and what it was that made me love it. I know now. You smelled like LOVE….you were love. I love you monkey.
Hugs and Kisses and Love from your Mommy until we meet again my love,