About Molly Mittens Forsyth-Kiser
Passed on January 11, 2014
Molly Mittens Forsyth-Kiser
Molly was born in 1995 and we found her (or rather she chose us!) at the Hennepin Humane Society as a tiny eight week old nugget of love. She was the only one of her brothers and sisters to look at me, even trying to climb out of their little pen to get to me.
She LOVED bacon, Pringles, and olives. (Though she didn’t get them often.) The smell of olives would drive her CRAZY and she’d make some pretty serious meows over the whole thing. She also could spin in the fastest circle chasing after a string – faster than her “sister” Mitzie! Up until a few years ago, she would bring us her “baby” – a stuffed squirrel toy almost every night singing and meowing to let us know she was coming. She even caught at least one real mouse, which she threw at Daddy, still alive, on Christmas Eve one year.
She was a manx/siamese mix, with the most adorable trill sounds. She had a special trill just for her mama, that actually sounded like she was saying “Ma-ma”. She also had the softest and squishiest fur, and had a double coat!
Mama memories: The way Molly would lay and sleep on my chest all night long when she was younger. The way her foot would “thumper” on the floor now and then. Her tiny puffball manx tail. How she would rub her head on my hand and nuzzle her face against me, especially rubbing against my face! Her perfect white mittens. Her snappy yawns.
Molly was my tiny soulmate, and I told her that every night before bed. I wouldn’t go to sleep until I made Molly purr and told her how much I love her. She was my little best friend and I miss her so very much. I miss her coming to visit us on the couch most nights – even as it got harder for her to manage her little kitty stairs, she still did it! I miss her blue eyes, and the way she would look at me and connect with me. She LOVED her people.
When she was younger, we would often find her sleeping in odd spots, like the bathroom sink. Once, I was convinced there was a mouse living in a built in dresser because I opened it once and saw something white and furry move out of view fast – but wouldn’t you know that it was actually one of Molly’s little white mittens? She had been going into the next room’s closet, and going through the crawlspace to get up and into the built into the wall dresser!
I will miss our naps together on the solarium so much – we both love sleeping in the hot baking sun out there. Or how she would nearly always spend a little morning time with each of us. I miss and think often how that awesome long stretch you would do when you were sleepy and laying down.
I am an at home studio artist, and I was with her pretty much every single day. I miss her so much and I am so thankful to have known my little daughter soulmate Miss Molly Mittens. Her head butts and her extreme love of being kissed on her forehead (head kisses!) and nose are something that I also miss SO MUCH. I love you little girl, and I thank you for choosing me to be your mama.
You waited until I was away from home to leave us, and I think you knew what you were doing babygirl. I don’t think I could have handled it well, and where I was – was the perfect place for me to start to heal. Plus, you gave your Mamatoo some extra special days there and I’m glad we got to be on FaceTime together as a family as we said goodbye to you, even though I couldn’t be there physically.
I love you so much my sweet tiny soulmate, and I can’t wait to be with you again someday my little lovely babygirl.
Mama-too’s memories:
She was my magnet. She loved to be near me. Sitting on the couch together was our favorite thing. She had to be touching me and I loved and cherished every second of it.
The first time I saw her I couldn’t stop smiling, she was so perfect and tidy. Her mittens were so white…she looked like she had a shirt with a sweater and little pants on with her dark poof of a tail that came out. I called her a Martha Stewart kitty. She had the sweetest little smell, and when I gave her head kisses (her favorite) I would sneak in a whiff.
She had an uncanny way of making each of her people feel special and needed. Her way with me was being my magnet. The way she was always by my side. She would sometimes herd me to the couch to sit with her.
I will forever miss her sounds when I would come home and she would greet me with her cute trill. I will miss how she would follow me into the kitchen hoping for anything that I might possibly drop. How she used to supervise all cleaning and cooking in the kitchen. I will miss watching her sleep. Her tiny black/gray paw pads. I will miss her sweet little nose and how she loved for me to pet it. I will miss cleaning her eyes everyday as she got older and how I would bathe her and brush her. We liked to call it “Mamatoo giving her a hair cut.” She was the greatest companion I have ever known. She taught me how to love an animal, completely and unconditionally. She chose me to spend her last moments on earth with and I will be forever changed for the better for it. I love you Molly Mittens Forsyth-Kiser.
Daddy’s memories:
Molly would always seek out sun spots. On the solarium, in the skylights, a patch just big enough for her. She also loved to lay under the heater vent in both of the houses that we’ve lived.
Her trill was always her greeting when you got home and scratched her head. When she slept she cupped her paws over her face to keep out the light. Throughout her life she always found new ways of spending time with us, whether it was visiting us every night in bed, or climbing her stairs to watch TV with us.
She was the first cat I ever had and I spent almost half of my life with her. She was there before my first full-time job! I will miss her very much.
Miss Molly, we will miss your presence in our home so deeply. Your trills, the feel of you against us when you sat with us, your sweet smell, your bunny hop run. You were our daughter and you always will be. We love you more and more each and every day, though you’re no longer with us. We love you Molly Mittens Forsyth-Kiser, our little nugget.
Mama, Daddy and Mamatoo