About Prim
Passed on August 6, 2016
From the moment we laid eyes on your tiny little orange mustache, we were in love with you. We drove two and a half hours each way to pick you up, only to return home and find that you had a “bad” paw. We felt so awful, but it didn’t seem to bother you and we quickly realized you were okay. Better yet, you were perfect. You were always perfect. The first full day you were with us it stormed, and your mama couldn’t wait to be home with you and make sure you weren’t scared. As you know, that never changed. Coming home to you was always the highlight of my day, and it is now my most solemn ritual. Working from home, you became my steadfast companion and best friend. We had our morning routine and you were always right next to me or running toward me with your floppy ears (after drinking water from your tea cup of course). We would watch a scary movie, Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, or some other show and just be together. We were kindred spirits, and belonged to one another. I will always miss the simple joys of “just being together”.
We had a wonderful year together in St. Louis Park where you could be free all day long and slide around on the hardwood floors before moving to our next carpeted apartment. My! How you would run laps and binky around the living room! You gave your daddy and I such immense joy with your big spirit and personality, and we loved showing you off to our family and friends. You were almost always a topic of conversation and my heart would swell with love and pride talking about how spirited, passionate, and loving you were.
We miss lying on the floor with you and petting you for hours, and how you would stomp your back foot and talk at us when you were frustrated. How you would nibble Dad’s chin if he still had food on it. I miss burying my face in your fur and nuzzling you until you would give me kisses. I never knew how much I could miss those kisses. We still look for you, and know that we always will. I still expect you to come lay on my feet when I get ready in the morning or wash dishes, and come sit next to me when we eat breakfast. It’s lonesome and empty here now. You gave so much life to our world, we just never expected we’d be here without you. You were with us through the best times, and the not so good times. Now, we’re facing the hardest time we’ve had together, and it’s because you aren’t here. You truly were our everything. Our darling, sweet, Primmers Woo. I still catch glimpses of you here, but know that you’ve moved on to a wonderful place with all the yogurt drops and pets from Grandpa Terry your heart could desire.
Thank you for the love, laughter, companionship, and joy you gave us during your three short years here. You taught us so much about unconditional love, happiness, and patience. You had more personality and sass than many humans I know. You were my very best friend. You just went too soon my sweet little girl, our hearts are broken. We will never stop missing the joy and laughter you brought into our lives and you will always be fondly remembered. We love you so very much, and can’t wait to see you again at that Rainbow Bridge.
Daddy and Mama