About Ralphy
Passed on February 1, 2014
Ralphy Heil
March 2000 – February 2014
It is difficult to decide what words to write about Ralphy. There are no words to fully describe him but I will share with you how he came to be a part of our family.
Ralphy was Tim’s 10th birthday present. Tim wanted a dog of his own and he knew he did not want a big dog. At first he wanted a Bichon but then one day we were going through the Burnsville Center Mall and he saw some black puppies in the window of a pet store. He asked what kind they were and I told him they were Scottish Terriers. We went in and looked at them and it was at that point that he decided he wanted a Scottish Terrier. I told him that he had to do some research on them before he could make that decision. He did his homework and decided for certain that was the breed he wanted. The search began for a Scottie puppy. I wanted to find one for his 10th birthday but it was proving difficult to find any in MN. Our good friend De De told us to look in dog magazines for breeders and it was there that we found one down in Iowa. I called the breeder and she said that they had a litter that would be ready in 2 weeks. I told her we wanted a male and she said she had the perfect one for a little boy.
The day came to drive to the MN/Iowa border and we were all very excited. We met the breeder’s elderly parents at a truck stop. They got out of their vehicle with a pet carrier and set it on the ground. We stood about 3 feet away waiting to see the black ball of fur in the carrier. After introductions they opened up the door and out walked the most adorable little puppy I have ever seen. Without hesitation he walked right over to Tim’s feet and sat down. Somehow he knew that was his boy. It was love at first sight.
On the way home Tim wondered what he should name him. I told him to make a list of possibilities. He took suggestions from everyone in the van and added many of his own. In the end he picked the name I had suggested, “Ralphy”. I picked Ralphy because I am a fan of the “Honey Mooners” and Ralph Kramden played by Jackie Gleason. I think Tim thought of Ralph from “A Christmas Story”. For whatever reason Tim picked that name for our new family member and it fit him perfectly.
Ralphy was a joy from the moment he came into our lives. He was truly like my third child and I have spent more time with him in the past 14 years than I have any other living soul. He loved everyone and expected to be loved by everyone. He was puzzled by anyone who did not feel the need to pet him or at least admire him. He loved children and grew up at soccer fields and ice rinks. Even in his older years, if he heard children playing he wanted to go check it out. My time with Ralphy will always be some of my most cherished moments of life. I will miss him just as I would miss Tim or Danielle if they were to leave me. He truly was never just a dog.
Just about two years ago Ralphy went to live with Tim and the beautiful Rose. I missed him but I knew it was time for Tim to be reunited with his friend. Ralphy loved it up in Ashland and was loved by so many people up there. I am glad they had the chance to meet him and really get to know him. I know he will be missed by all he met.
Ralphy enjoyed just about every aspect of life but he certainly had his favorite things. He loved breakfast! He also enjoyed walks in the woods, riding in his cart while Tim or Rose pulled it with their bikes, car rides (especially a road trip) were thoroughly enjoyed, going to the pet store was a favorite outing and of course he lived for chasing squirrels.
I thank the universe for sending Ralphy to us. There are no words to fully describe him or what he meant to me and others but I hope my writings give you a glimpse of who he was and who he will always be.
Please add your own stories and pictures of our boy Ralphy. I would truly appreciate them and I too will add some stories at a later date.
Love and peace to all.