About Ringo
Passed on September 12, 2013
How lucky can you get? We got to have Ringo (a mini-Aussie) as our best friend, cheerleader and inspiration for over 13 years! Every day she was full of entertainment (she made up many of her own games) and every day she waited to show affection. We never knew just how dogs are really people until we were blessed to have this one with us. Wow.
If you look up the word “Trooper” in the dictionary, you may just find a picture of Ringo. Faced with a form of neuropathy later in her life, she could no longer support her self with her back legs. She then became the world’s cutest wheels dog and did most of the same hikes in the woods she did before! She never stopped trying and even actively guarded her yard, even though, in the end, she could barely walk in those wheels. She’s our buddy and we’ll never stop missing her or being inspired. We Love You Buddy!