About Rodney
Passed on July 22, 2013
Rodney, you were rescued in December of 2007 from a gang house in East St. Louis, MO. We were told you had spent the previous years of your life chained up outside under a tree where abuse surely and sadly occurred. A beautiful pure bred Rottweiler, approximately 5 years old, un-neutered and heart worm positive and although the outward physical signs of your neglect were minimal, the damage that was done on the inside was clearly so severe. We decided to bring you in as foster, where at home we already had 2 rescued cats, but you were such a special blessing Valentine’s Day 2008, we finalized your adoption. Little did we know that from that day forward you would change our lives for the better. Through the ups and downs of your long rehab process, you showed us the true resilience of that big giant heart of yours as you began to trust humans again. You truly showed us what a gift patience, a soft touch and lots of time and understanding can do for the soul. You loved your car rides and boat rides up at the cabin. You always greeted us with such excitement and enthusiasm. We will miss coming home to your robotic jumps and bows and how your smile shined from ear to ear, with your ears pulled back, at how happy you were to see us. I will miss your head tilts when you hear your favorite words like greenie or the sound of a treat bag opening. Whenever I see the pretty flowers and plants I will think of you stopping to pee on them. During the day out in the grass or at night time in our bedroom, I will miss my Flat Back MIT as you rolled over and got your favorite belly rubs and scratches. When we are all settled in for the night and we look around the room, we will be short one love, as I will remember how graceful you sat with your cross paws and starred so lovingly into our eyes. Your 3 canine sisters, Mama Marty, Naughty Rose Petal and Little Beagie will miss you. Marty will miss giving you kisses and licking your drool, Rosey will miss biting at your ears and taking away the nylabones from right out under your nose and BeBe will miss hiding from the storms with you. Sunny and Polly, your 2 feline brothers, especially Sunny will miss sharing your bed with you and licking your sweet face. Know that the pain we are feeling from your passing is so strong, because of the deep love we have for you. As I write, we are here thinking of you, remembering all of the memories and looking at your pictures with very heavy aching hearts and tear filled eyes. Rodney, my Lovie, our BIG MIT, Bubby you will forever hold a place in our hearts, we will carry you with us everyday and we thank you for the everlasting change you made in our lives. You are a true eternal optimist with everlasting resilience that you carried in that big giant heart of yours. We will forever remember you as part of our family and cherish all the days you graced our life. Hugs and Kisses, until we meet again and walk together on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, we love you, Your Mama & Papa. May you forever Rest In Peace-July 22, 2013