About Sisu
Passed on October 7, 2014
It has been said that our pets make us better people. This is true as Jill and I mourn the loss of our sweet and beautiful (everyone who met her said that) cat Sisu. She chose us more than nine years ago on a winter’s night by sticking her head and paws over the edge of the hot tub. Yikes! That was the introduction to OUR cat. We would sit inside the entry way with doors open, jackets, hat and mittens on, and pet her to try to get her to stay. She was living under the deck next door. For several weeks we coaxed her with food and invitations to come inside and they finally paid off.
One night she stayed and followed us upstairs to our bed and made it one of her sleeping nests – after all that’s what cats do best. We tried with posters and calls to shelters to see if anyone had lost a beautiful female calico cat. Lucky for us, no one did. We decided to call her Sisu – Finnish for guts, stubbornness and spunk. How apt a name! She chose us and found a place in our hearts.
We were surprised that she was spayed and had no fore claws. Well, she was safe and cared for us for the next 9 years. Laps, licks and kneading made her even more endearing. She learned how to shake paws and come (most of the time) when called.
She was an indoor cat but enjoyed watching nature, birds and squirrels from her many vantage points. She tucked us in each night when the lights went out and slept or did whatever cats do at night. She protected us, and checked out the house and at least once presented Jill with a live mouse nearly in her face. We think we could have won America’s Funniest Videos with the excitement that ensued. Use your imagination!
Of course, all cats have their eccentricities and Sisu was no different. She loved jumping on the table and plopping down in front of us no matter if we were alone or had guests. Sisu loved interrupting Jill on the computer keyboard, as well as knocking any pen off any surface and her glasses off the nightstand. Sisu is credited with lowering blood pressure, greeting our stamping customers and being our cat companion.
Her passing after a sudden change and sad prognosis at the vet’s took place at home with the compassionate assistance of Dr. Amy of Minnesota Pets and then given to the trusted care of Pets Remembered.
We will miss her immensely and are better people for having Sisu.
Cherish the moments you have with your pets and remember the Rainbow Bridge.