About Taz
Passed on April 4, 2016
It is hard to believe it has been almost 5 months since we lost Taz. April 4 was one of the hardest days we have had to get through and still not a day goes by where he is not thought of and remembered.
We were blessed to have Taz for almost 17 years. It’s doesn’t seem possible how time passed so quickly but we were so incredibly lucky that we had him in our lives.
When Gregg went to find a pet, he actually did not initially pick Taz but instead his sister, Shadow. However, he could not forget the wild, crazy and fun white cat and quickly returned to get Taz.
When we first moved to our house and blended “families”, Taz was so protective of his sister when she and our other cat, Bella would have disagreements. It was so cute that he was there to oversee and make sure everyone got along. He was so calm and easy going.
We loved his sweet temperament, his crazy loud meow and his cuddliness. There is a large hole to fill in our house but we always have him in our hearts. He will always be part of our family and we know he is watching out for Bella and Shadow from the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. We miss you so much and will love you forever.
Rest in peace sweet boy!
Gregg, Ranita Bella, Shadow and Scuff