About Teddy
Passed on July 11, 2013
Our beloved Teddy left us on July 11, 2013. He will be deeply missed by Louis and myself.
He came into our lives early 2003 after the passing of our first dog, Benny. Though Teddy seemed aloof and uninterested, we decided to take him home. Since then, he has taught us patience, resilience, endurance but most of all he gave us his unconditional love.
He grew from being shy and quiet to a strong and loving member of our family. He was very affectionate and loves his daily hugs and kisses and likewise would generously give you kisses.
He was highly intelligent and always seemed to be thinking and deep in thought. Sometimes we would mimicked his deep voice and pretend to speak his words as if we knew what he was saying.
He was a truly happy “boy” and loved taking walks and car rides with us. Everyday, he warmly greeted us with a happy grin and wagging tail. He was our best friend and faithful companion. Our precious sweetie pie and bud-bud.
He always kept a positive attitude and seemed to have a great way with people. After so many years with Teddy, we’ve grown accustomed to seeing him everywhere and in everything we do. So it is sad not being able to see him but the hardest part is not being able to feel him and hug him.
Though it was very painful to have him leave us, we were grateful to have him come into our lives. We will always cherish the precious joy he had brought us. To us, he was a true companion.
We love you and miss you Teddy, now and always!
Louis and Jackie