About Tobey
Passed on May 17, 2013
My life changed forever, the day I saw him….
Who knew the love of my life would have a white-tipped tail, along with all four paws, a beautiful solid black coat, with a white belly, and unique, but beautifully perfect markings on his sweet little face? …. Oh and those ears, seriously…. fell in love, and that little beagle stole my heart the very moment I saw him.
I knew better, I rarely (never) go into pet stores or anywhere there are puppies for sale, I have a very soft heart for animals, and there is something about them with their little eyes looking so sadly at you through that cage….. so I rarely did this, because I didn’t want to be that crazy lady with 85 dogs because I want to save and love them all. But this day, something made me go in….
He was perfect, I had to hold him, it was done…. BUT, I ‘had’ to talk to Joel (we had met the year before at WE FEST and were planning to go again that coming weekend, the beginning of August) So I had the clerk hold that precious puppy cause he already inlaid paw prints on my heart, went home talked to Joel and we decided it would be perfect timing, we had a long weekend off… what more can I say??? Together, we went back to the pet store, Joel fell in love (of course) and we brought our little baby (puppy) home.
We decided to call him ‘Tobey’.
That little Tobey, he had quite the personality, and wasn’t afraid to be himself, EVER. He loved people, he was very social, on walks we would approach another pet owner, and he would basically overlook the dog and happily greet the human with such a joy about him. Any family or friends we (he) had to the house he greeted the same with a gentle kiss as well. He just radiated happiness….
Speaking of walks….. oh did he absolutely love W-A- L- K’s (with his little; big brother Jax, a Labrador) Any time we went, his nose was to the ground, on any and every scent he could get to, in the radius of the leash around me. And then of course try to mark a few trees, curbs, light posts etc…. Oh how Joel and I laughed and enjoyed seeing you prance so happily on your walks.. So Mr personality didn’t really care for rain, or cold (blowing) winter weather, so their potty routine is to go out our back patio door into our fenced in yard ( which he also loved) if when he got to the open door to ‘go out’ and realized it was raining or a blowing cold mess, he would run back away from the door as if he were saying “oh hell no!” He was so funny, you knew he had to go, but he would try to hold it. What a stinker. SO those same days, shortly after that, he’d be asking to go for a walk…. ( which we leave through the front of the house) Like the weather would be any different going out a different door? Silly boy, he just enjoyed them so much, I give him credit for being such a positive thinker…that maybe it’ll be better if we go for a ‘W’. And if we didn’t go for a walk, oh my, what a guilt trip… that little lovable cutie could give you the evil eye. Ohhhh, Tobey.
So our little Tobey-bear, (we liked to call him) absolutely loved to snooze, AND snuggle while doing so, under the covers of course. From the day we brought him home, he loved being all snuggled into whatever he could get into, or under I should say. He just melted your heart, anywhere there was a cushy comfy spot with blankies, which we keep all over for him, he would make his way under and snuggle in. If he couldn’t get under on his own, he’d look at you and or paw you to help… it was so sweet. He had to be touching you, so if you were on the couch too, he was right by our side or even on our lap, which we adored. Tobey slept right in between Joel and I, every night, snuggled up against my chest and abdomen, head on the pillow, and under the covers, and if I moved… so did he, kicking Daddy (Joel) to be closer and touching me…
He sure was a ‘snoopy’ little stinker. I had to wrap christmas gifts versus gift bags, he would stick his head inside everything! He wouldn’t wreck anything or pull it out, he just had to snoop. LOL, couldn’t put a bag or purse on the floor without him checking it out, he didn’t miss anything. He was at your feet constantly, very much my shadow. If I wasn’t home, Joels too… During the holidays I spend an entire weekend baking, and he was always standing right there at my feet all day long, just incase I dropped anything. It was so funny, his black back would be sprinkled with flour. As the years went by, I knew those days would be long for him to just stand there like he wanted to, so I brought one of his beds into the kitchen so he could lay down and take a break but still be close and be in complete view of me… he appreciated that.
One of Tobey’s favorite things to do, was basque in the sunshine. Whether it was coming in through the window, or outside in the grass, he absolutely loved it. He would stop and just fall over into the grass, it was so funny and enjoyable to watch, as if you could just hear him say, AHHH feels sooo good. He always looked so at peace & relaxed laying there in the sun….
Tobey’s little, big brother, Jax… 2 years younger, wanted to do everything Tobey was doing, and just be near Tobey… (as younger siblings do.) They played together, snoozed on the couch together, sniffed around the yard for rabbits and squirrels, chewed their nylabones together- (if Tobey didn’t steal Jax’s) went on daily walks together, among many other activities and simply enjoyed being with him, even when Tobey was Mr Sassy, Jax loved him unconditionally & dearly…. And now misses his brother very much.
I could go on forever about our sweet Tobey. He was so much to us. He changed our lives in such a positive way. You know, people say there is no love greater than that of loving your own ‘child’… Well, Joel and I very much consider our dogs; our children… We miss every single thing about him. He gave us so much. Sweet understanding and empathetic eyes, the gentle touch of him reminding us of his loyalty, always forgiving nature, his head on our knee just made every worry disappear, he has been here through our toughest, and proudest moments in life, he gave us purpose and a positive outlook when we needed it most…. his eagerness to make us smile… ( just by looking at his happy body, tail wagging, butt wiggling back and forth) His sassy spunky attitude when he wanted to be a stinker, the tip of his head when he listened to what you were saying to him, He had a special kind of compassion and patience that made you want to be more like him… He was a strong dog, what a fighter, even til his last minutes here on earth, unfailingly wanting to make us happy, His UNCONDITIONAL Love was and is so comforting and inspiring, what a gift from above he was to us, truly. Thank you Lord, for the most amazing soul I have ever been graced with, we are so grateful to have been loved by Him….our Tobey Bear. After all God did create and give a ‘name’ to everything and living creature here on earth…..
Its no coincidence, DOG……. is GOD spelled backwards.
Today, Sunday May 26th is our precious Tobey’s 11th Birthday. Happy Birthday Tobey, we love you more than words can say. You will be forever missed, we will hold you dearly in our hearts until we can hold you in heaven.
We have sent you on a journey to a land free from pain, not because we did not love you, but because we loved you too much to force you to stay. -Author Unknown
God’s Garden
God looked around His garden and He found and empty place, He then looked down upon the earth and saw your precious face, He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest; God’s Garden must be beautiful He always takes the best. He knew that you were suffering He knew you were in pain He knew you’d never ever get well on earth again. So He closed your weary eyelids and whispered ‘Peace be thine’ Then He took you up to Heaven with hands so gentle and kind. It broke our hearts to lose you but you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, the day God welcomed you home. -Author Unknown
We love you Tobey, thank you for being the wonderful dog you were.
Love Mommy Daddy & Brother …..Lynn Joel & Jax